ATV & UTV 2020

UTV ACCESSORIES carriers & racks bumpers & winches accessories plows & implements frame & chassis utv accessories body handlebar & grips cables & levers fuel & intake engine clutch brakes drive steering & suspension bearings tires & wheels chemicals tools & shop exhaust electrical & ignition 155 2020 ATV / UTV CATALOG WINDSHIELDS Ranger Full Size Round Tube 650612 424.99 Ranger Mid Size Round Tube 650613 379.99 POLARIS 650612 650613 UV RESISTANT POLY The Seizmik Versa-Fold Windshield quickly converts from a full to half (folded) windshield with a quick flip of two composite levers. When folded, the top wind- shield is held secure with 2 heavy duty captive rubber plugs. The UV protected, durable and replaceable clear hinge acts as a stiffening rib to help keep the windshield from flexing. FITMENT: • 0.220 Thick UV Resistant • Built to Last—Mechanically attached UV protected trans- parent hinges are durable and replaceable & durable ABS header panel seals against wind intrusion • Easily Convertible—From full windshield to half windshield in seconds • Heavy Duty Captive Rubber Plugs—Holds upper half in place without contacting the vehicle’s hood when folded • Easy Operation—Quickly release/secure upper wind- shield section w/simple twist of 2 composite levers, no tools required • Seizmik Compatible—Works with Seizmik accessories: mir- rors, light bars, etc. • Automotive Grade High Deflection Bulb Gasket—For protection against water and wind intrusion around entire windshield perimeter Defender 650723 399.99 CAN-AM SCRATCH RESISTANT POLY FITMENT: Defender 650724 399.99 CAN-AM • 0.220 Thick 2-Side Scratch Resistant Polycarbonate Works with Polaris OEM Roof & Doors Trailerable up to 65 mph when ”folded down” 650725 or 650726 650724 or 650723 Mule Pro VX & FXT 650726 399.99 KAWASAKI