ATV & UTV 2020

ENGINE body accessories handlebar & grips cables & levers engine fuel & intake carriers & racks plows & implements frame & chassis utv accessories bumpers & winches electrical & ignition clutch brakes drive steering & suspension bearings tires & wheels chemicals tools & shop exhaust 406 NOW INTRODUCING VERTEX GASKETS (FORMERLYWINDEROSA) Powersports enthusiasts have been buying and enjoying Winderosa’s industry leading gaskets for years. This legacy of top-notch quality and selection now continues under the new brand name, Vertex. For over 65 years, Vertex has been known for their race winning and OEM quality pistons. And now, in addition to pistons, Vertex will become the new leader for gaskets in the powersports industry. You will notice that the packaging has changed, but the same great quality gaskets that you found withWinderosa are now listed under the Vertex brand name! MODEL YEARS TOP END GASKET KIT COMP. GASKET KIT COMP. GASKET KITW/OIL SEALS OIL SEAL KIT WATER PUMP REBUILD KIT MECH. WATER PUMP SEAL EXHAUST GASKET KIT OUTER CLUTCH GASKET KIT INNER CLUTCH - SIDE COVER GASKET KIT FUEL PUMP REBUILD KIT IGNITION COVER GASKET KIT VALVE COVER GASKET ARCTIC CAT 50 50 Y-6 04 - 05 810857 808857 837510 822217 ----- ----- 839453 ----- 839396 ----- 839088 ----- 90 90 2-Stroke 02 - 04 810840 808840 837496 822217 ----- ----- 839453 ----- 839396 ----- 839088 ----- 90 90 4-Stroke 04 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 839396 ----- ----- ----- 90 90 4-Stroke 05 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 839453 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 90 90 Utility 2x4 06 ----- ----- ----- 822217 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 250 250 2x4 99 - 05 810827 808827 837483 822145 ----- ----- ----- ----- 817565 ----- 839089 ----- 250 250 2x4 06 - 09 ----- ----- ----- 841924 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 250 250 4x4 01 - 05 810827 808827 837483 822145 ----- ----- ----- ----- 817565 ----- 839089 ----- 250 250 DVX 06 - 08 ----- ----- ----- 841924 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 300 300 2x4 98 - 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