Winter 2018
TRACTION 1103 accessories luggage body & chassis engine electrical & ignition controls fuel & intake rewind clutch drive rear suspension front suspension traction mini sleds chemicals offroad tools & shop trailer & towing 2018 WINTER CATALOG Woody’s has developed a unique shallow socket for installing studs that provides the torque to tighten without touching the surface of the support plate.Works ideal with colored support plates.The 5/16” socket is deep enough to install studs up to 1.575” length. Won’t scratch the backing plates. WOODY'S ACCESSORIES DESCRIPTION PART # 1/2" X 6" WHEEL AGW4000 38.95 BLACK WHEEL 1/4” X 4 1/2” (FOR SHARPENING CARBIDE RUNNERS) AGW4500 7.95 1" X 6" GREEN WHEEL AGW4100 48.98 TC7 7mm & 5/16” 12.98 SIZE PART # 7MM SCW4500 17.50 5/16” SCW4505 21.95 Align your Triangle Digger support plates by using this specialized indexing Tool. To be used with a 3/8” ratchet. Can be used for both 5/16” and 7mm Triangle Digger support plates. WD8748 9.50 WD035 48.95 UNIVERSAL TRACK HOLE DRILL SHALLOW SOCKET TOOL TRIANGLE SUPPORT PLATE INDEXING TOOL TRACK TENSION TOOL Monitor your track, by determining your track deflection, wth this new product offering from Woody’s. Add this tool to your regular maintenance schedule for optimum perfomance. Follow the deflection limit recommendations from the snowmobile or track manufacturer. Never guess again! Perfect every time makes studding easy. The hollow drill for 7mm or 5/16” studs makes a precise opening for installing studs. No mistakes. 7mm T-nut studs and 5/16” push-through studs use 7mm drill. WD040 8.95 A real time saver! Attach the tool directly to a standard 3/8” ratchet: align the support plate flush with the track lugs and then tighten the nut. Aligning the support plates can contribute to track longevity and your safety. The indexing tool is available for 5/16 square support plates. Here is a 3/8” hex bit socket that you can use to hold the heads of Woody’s and Roetin push through studs. W38876 3.75 STUD HEX TOOL A great tool for installing studs because they need to be really tight and you are working in close quarters. The aluminum handle will rest in the palm of your hand so you can apply the pressure needed to keep the stud from rotating as you torque the nut. Woody’s ® Stud Hex Tool will make installing studs easier each step of the way. Each tool comes with two hex bits. You can also buy a replacement package of two hex bits for your Stud Hex Tool. DESCRIPTION PART # STUD HEX TOOL SHT-1 29.95 STUD HEX TOOL REPL. INSERTS (PKG. OF 2) SHI-2 6.95 SPI TRACK DRILL/CUTTER 62-04003 5/16” 10.95 SQUARE SUPPORT PLATE INDEXING TOOL 3/8” HEX BIT SOCKET Perfect every time makes studding easy. The hollow drill for 5/16” studs makes a precise opening for installing studs. No mistakes. Excellent tool for marking stud patterns on your track. Choose your pattern, place the template over the track and mark the track in the center of the appropriate holes with a white dot. You can review the entire stud pattern on your track before drilling, eliminating stud placement errors. SIZE PART # 5/16” WD045 19.95 TRACK MARKER
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