Winter 2018

BODY & CHASSIS 138 luggage accessories body & chassis engine electrical & ignition controls fuel & intake rewind clutch drive rear suspension front suspension traction chemicals offroad tools & shop trailer & towing mini sleds 2oz. #1 NO7026 2.40 #2 NO7033 4.45 #3 NO7081 4.95 CLEAN • POLISH • PROTECT • RESTORE! Recommended for use on: Plexiglas • Lexan • Lucite • Uvex • Acrylite #1 Cleans, shines and protects ALL plastic #2 Removes fine scratches frommost plas- tics #3 Removes heavy scratches frommost acrylic surfaces NOVUS PLASTIC POLISH 8oz. #1 NO7020 4.95 #2 NO7030 6.95 #3 NO7080 8.10 NOVUS POLISH PRODUCTS POLISH MATE NO7069 2.80 6 each - 12.5” x 14.5” 7 oz. PL20207 15.95 12 per case 13 oz. PL20214 22.95 12 per case Originally developed for use in aviation, Plexus is quite simply the most effective product you can buy for cleaning, protecting and polishing clear and colored plastics. Plexus actually seals the pores of the plastic. It makes small scratches less visible, leaving a surface that is fresh, lustrous and protected. Plexus dries perfectly, no smears, no scratches, no smudges and no oily, tacky or sticky residue. It’s anti static and can be applied in seconds. PLEXUS PLASTIC CLEANER PROTECTOR & POLISH Around your house try using Plexus on your counter tops and appliances. Keep your refrigerator, dishwasher, ovens, even your microwave shinier and cleaner. Anyplace that might contain plastic, use Plexus! Use Plexus on your computer screen to keep it clean and fingerprint-free. Or use it on your eyeglasses to keep them clean. (Don’t forget about your sunglasses too!) INTERIOR EGG CRATE HOOD FOAM • Adhesive backing on one side • Custom cut to size you need • 1.5” finger depth • 2” total thickness 24” 27” AV7200 34.95 (6 pk) Clean and Polish your Plastic With a Polish Mate Cloth to Avoid Dam- age to the Surface. The Polish Mate has a cloth like softness found in a dispos- able wiper. Low Lint, Highly Absorbent, and Extra MODEL YEAR CHASSIS GLOSS BLACK FLAT BLACK Arctic Cat 03-06 F Chassis 480-10050 108.36 480-10060 108.36 Arctic Cat 05-10 M Chassis 480-10050 108.36 480-10060 108.36 Polaris 05-06 RMK Chassis 480-20050 108.36 ----- Polaris 07-10 IQ Chassis 480-20050 108.36 ----- Ski-doo 03-08 Rev Chassis ----- 480-40060 108.36 Yamaha 06-09 Apex Chassis 480-60050 108.36 ----- Yamaha 06-08 Attak Chassis 480-60050 108.36 ----- PERFORMANCE WINDSHIELDS An industry first and Sno-Stuff exclusive that is bound to change the way we look at traditional windshields. The Peak Collection gets tons of style points for its bold in your face design. Aggressive aerodynamic “ribs” make this windshield definitely stand out from the crowd. Also a Sno-Stuff exclusive is the flat black racer finish with a rubberized coating. You really need to see it and feel it to get the full effect. 480-60060 480-10060 480-40060