Winter 2018

CLUTCH 665 accessories luggage body & chassis engine electrical & ignition controls fuel & intake rewind clutch drive rear suspension front suspension traction chemicals offroad tools & shop trailer & towing 2018 WINTER CATALOG mini sleds Use with 94C Duster Numbers 206097, 206098, 212629, and 213051 Use with 94C Duster Numbers 206094, 206096, 209942, and 211879 PART # COLOR TENSION AT: 2 5/16” 1 1/4” Green 205819 20.20 66 150 Red 205821 16.50 75 160 Orange 205583 16.49 74 223 Yellow 205818 20.45 86 205 White 205820 16.50 99 285 Pink 205858 25.05 43 87 Black 205857 27.35 85 156 Red 212631 18.10 74 223 DUSTER BELT SPACER KITS APPROX. GRAM WEIGHT 15.6/1” Hole 17.3/7/8” Hole 20.0/3/4” Hole 25.5/Solid 44/3/4” Steel Insert 53.5/7/8” Steel Insert 59.6/1” Steel Insert Comet now has available a “Ribbed” Cover to use in lieu of the original “Smooth” Cover. This cover is designed for use in high load, or heat conditions to stop rotation of the movable face during high load conditions. In the past, there have been instances of puck melt down in this situation. IMPORTANT! Only the matching ribbed pucks can be used with the ribbed cover. See listing above for cross reference from smooth to ribbed pucks. (SOLD AND PRICED IN PKG. OF 3) } 1 5/16” O.D. 1 9/16” O.D. * Pounds tension when compressed to height of 2 5/16” and 1 1/4”. NOTE: Accepted industry tolerance for compression spring is + - 10%. Thus a given 94C Duster calibration may vary somewhat from a like set up shown above. 25MM CONVERTER BUSHING 94C COVER BOLT Fitsalldusterclutches(except206096and212629) and includes rod, cover, puller bolt, and washer. 205838 42.75 94C CLUTCH PULLER TOOL KIT Fits duster clutches 206096 and 212629 only and includes rod,cover,pullerbolt,andwasher.32MM. 205840 46.65 205760 FOR USEWITH SMOOTH COVER 211489 FOR USEWITH RIBBED COVER DUSTER ACTIVATOR PUCKS 215127 24.30 212029 15.75 211477 19.55 211482 19.55 206143 11.10 205918 11.10 Fits: 206094 / 206096 / 206942 / 211943 / 211879 Fits: 206097 / 206098 / 212629 / 213051 } RPM E N G A G E M E N T CHART DUSTER SPRINGS ENGAGEMENT THEORY While many of the engagements above are the same or nearly so, they are obtained via different combinations of spring and initial collective puck mass. Great differences will result however at higher operating speeds. Though 'pounds of compression' at 2-5/16" height may be similar, each spring color has a different compression rate.The stronger a spring is, the greater the peak RPMs it will tend to allow ... and centrifugal mass (force of the pucks) must be considered. Of two similar engagements, the one which is obtained with a greater initial collective puck mass will yield the better belt pressure, though it will not turn as high peak RPMs as the other. PART # DIA. THREAD LENGTH 205591 7.90 1/2” Fine 5-1/2” MOUNTING BOLT Fits most 94C clutches Comes with each 94C clutch, but often gets misplaced. It is used with the puller below and also to remove and install cover. PART # BELT SPACERWIDTH 205828 12.55 1-3/16” & 1-1/4” Belts* ----- 205830 23.65 1-3/8” Belts 3/16” 205832 23.65 1-1/2” Belts 5/16” To adapt clutch (206094) from 30mm bore to a 25mm 1:10 taper use this adaptor bushing. * This kit is pre-installed on all 206094 clutches for 206094 and 211493 Universal Clutches 94C CLUTCH PULLER TOOL KIT SILVER GREEN ORANGE YELLOW WHITE PINK RED BLACK BLUE QTY. 215097 205819 205583 205818 205820 205858 212631 205857 205847 206649 6 3700 4530 4830 4870 5120 4050 5010 5410 5810 206649 9 3130 3840 3980 4180 4510 3680 4390 4780 4790 215127 6 2880 3500 3780 3840 4170 2520 3580 3820 4200 215127 9 2480 2980 3190 3300 3660 2270 2930 3120 3700 206143 6 2590 3360 3650 3900 3990 2520 3510 3730 4040 206143 9 2210 2850 3010 3130 3420 2000 2930 3120 3410 205918 6 2480 3110 3340 3510 3820 2370 3300 2900 3700 205918 9 2030 2680 2690 2690 3190 2090 2240 2640 3140 204799 23.55 205747 7.05