Winter Catalog

ENGINE accessories body & chassis engine electrical & ignition controls fuel & intake rewind clutch drive rear suspension front suspension traction mini sleds chemicals tools & shop trailer & towing 206 | 207-942-6769 Arctic Cattm Reed O.E.M. #3008-076 Fits many Reed Motors CG5118 1.08 Polaristm Reed O.E.M. #54112817 Fits 440 IQ CG7270 2.00 Reed Spacer Yamaha All 540’s except 85-90 SRV 540 CG5167 0.75 Arctic Cattm Reed O.E.M. #3005-879 Fits 400-900 Twin Motors CG7252 1.74 Arctic Cat Intake Gasket w/Kawasaki 340/440/ motors CG5032 0.70 Ski DooTM Intake Gasket O.E.M. #420-831-867 Fits 380, 500 FC Motors CG5023A 0.96 Universal Intake Gasket HR style CG5001 0.95 Arctic Cat Intake Gasket w/Spirit 370/440 motors CG5060A 0.61 Universal Intake Gasket HD style CG5002 0.50 PolarisTM Intake Gasket O.E.M. #3084-027 Fits 440 FC Motors CG5078 0.73 94-95 V-Max 600 Yamaha Reed Gasket CG7184 1.62 Polaristm Reed O.E.M. #5412354 Fits 440 Pro X CG7263 1.74 Ski-Dootm Reed O.E.M. #420-630-810 Fits MXZ 440 LC Motors CG7268 2.13 98-02 SRX 700 Yamaha Reed Gasket CG7235 2.45 Ski Dootm All Reed Valve Twins CG7262 1.74 Yamahatm Reed O.E.M. #80L-13621-01-00 Fits many Reed Motors CG5172 1.62 Polaristm Reed All Reed valves G130 4.95 Ski-Dootm Reed O.E.M. #420-950-292 Fits many Triples CG5185 1.66 KIT CONTAINS THE FOLLOWING: Two Metal reinforced heat gasket material, app. .040” Two Heat resistant compressed nitril cellulose, app. .015” One Steel reinforced exhaust material, app. .045 - .050” One Cork and rubber nitril based material, app. 1/16” One Treated paper gasoline and oil resistant, app. 1/32” KIT CONTAINS THE FOLLOWING: One Metal reinforced heat gasket material, app. .040” One Heat resistant compressed nitril cellulose, app. 1/64” One Steel reinforced exhaust material, app. .045 - .050” One Cellulose flange gasket material, app. 1/32” One Treated paper gasoline and oil resistant, app. 1/32” K101 11.78 GASKET MATERIAL KITS In this kit there are seven pieces of material for custommade gaskets. Each piece measures approximately 6 inches by 6 inches. In this kit there are five pieces of material for custom made gaskets. Each piece measures approximately 8 inches by 8 inches. K102 14.70 LIQUID GASKET Excellent padding properties make this semi-drying, viscoelastic sealer the perfect product for sealing joint surfaces with large clearance. Special synthetic rubber provides excellent cushion to absorb vibrations and impacts without failure, especially where coolants are involved. TB1184 12.95 INTAKE GASKETS FORMERLY REED GASKETS FORMERLY